Gold Is The Only Money That Tells The Truth

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Mar 5, 2018

Gold is hated by governments around the world because it reveals their deceitful actions in totally destroying the economy. It is not an accident that gold is the only money which has survived for 6,000 years. Gold is the only money that tells the truth. And gold is nature’s money which means it can...

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Own Gold Before Pandora Reopens The Box

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Feb 26, 2018

Some investors who bought gold and silver around the highs in 2011-12 might be impatient. But if they realised that they are holding the best insurance that money can buy against all the coming problems in Pandora’s Box, they should feel extremely content.

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Sell Cryptos – Buy Gold

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Dec 12, 2017

For anyone who wants to preserve wealth, now is a good time to sell cryptos and buy gold. It could turn out to be the trade of the century. But even if it isn’t, there is no better form of insurance against the coming global problems than physical gold and silver.

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Now Is The Time to Take A Contrarian Position

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Nov 9, 2017

For anyone with capital to invest, this is probably one of the most interesting opportunities in history. But that presupposes that the investor is prepared to take the contrarian position. Now is the time to buy what nobody wants but which has a high intrinsic value and will benefit from the coming...

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Dow to Lose 97% Against Gold

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Nov 1, 2017

If we take the next 10 years, gold (and silver) is likely to vastly outperform most conventional assets like stocks, bonds and property. The Dow is now the most overbought it has been in over 60 years with gold and silver depressed by a fake paper market.

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A World of Lies But Gold Will Reveal The Truth

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Oct 24, 2017

China and Russia know that it is only a matter of time before the dollar will lose its status as reserve currency. They also know that before this happens, the dollar will start crumbling and eventually disappear into a black hole resulting in an implosion of all the dollar assets and debts.

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10 Factors to Propel Gold 10 Fold

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Oct 11, 2017

Inflation is coming and it will have a major effect on the world economy and financial markets. This is one of the factors that will drive gold to levels which few can imagine today. Later in this piece, I am discussing 10 Factors which will make gold surge.

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Wake Up America – The Dollar Is Going To Zero

Published by Egon Von Greyerz | Oct 4, 2017

Few Americans are aware that their real purchasing power has declined by 97% since that illustrious day on August 15, 1971 when Nixon sold the US down the drain. It is now only a matter of time until the dollar goes to ZERO. Es ist jetzt nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis der Dollar auf NULL geht.

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